Category: Something completely different

  • Color Cube

    This is a great toy for teaching young children their colors. It’s cheap, easy to make and highly versatile. You will need: Two milk cartons that are the same size – I usually use 1/2 gallon size Construction Paper Glue or Tape Clear Contact Paper (optional)

  • Fall is coming…..

      It was chilly last night, they are probably even redder today. Seems like only yesterday that the air was filled with the scent of apple blossoms.

  • Small Town New England

    As I may have mentioned before, I live in a really small town. Our center of town is tiny, a crossroads consisting of a library, a church, a post office and a few stores. It is quintessential New England town square bounded by war monuments and historical markers. White clapboard steeples, one on the church,…

  • Epic Rides

  • Call me picky…

    …but aren’t shapes geometric by nature? Isn’t that what defines them as shapes, being geometric?  

  • New Helmet Cam This is right outside of my neighborhood. The audio has a lot of wind noise, so you might want to turn down the sound on your computer.  

  • Power Grips: Truly Excellent Toe Straps

    I’ve had these on my bike since 1996 or so. At the time I was really into mountain biking and spent every free minute on the LI Greenbelt trail. I didn’t ride a lot when my kids were young, although we loved the Wee Ride and the trailer. We were living near the Minuteman Trail,…

  • On days like this I wish to find a tor upon the open plain, and let the wind whip My hair into thick ropes as I scramble against the gale that is scouring and drifting the moor.

  • Favorite Foods

    Some people have asked me how I lost 60 pounds since Jan. 2011, so here goes. Mainly I hopped on my mountain bike, but I also found success in sticking to a few key diet foods: Oatmeal. I used to eat it with tahini and maple syrup, or almond butter and honey, but lately I’ve…

  • Cartotracing; Bicycle + GPS = New Art Form

    They are also called geoglyphs. Artists are using GPS to capture the outlines of bike rides on maps. While my rides usually look like a barbell, I was pretty inspired the other day when one of them looked like a dog. I think I might try to make a spiral in a field. Although I…