Attention! (pt. 1)

A very promising area for the application of mindfulness is in the area of increased attention span. With 11% of all children are diagnosed with ADHD (1) with more than $8 billion dollars spent annually on pharmaceuticals that increase attention span(2). Meanwhile, although the statistics surrounding the deficits of neurobiological origin called ADHD are thought provoking, distraction is a very pervasive problem. Mindfulness works in this area because it “it teaches you to pay attention to paying attention” (3). In addition to helping people control their span of attention, mindfulness helps limit other distractions such as chronic pain and emotional distress (3).

Next, learn about different types of meditation and how they support various facets of attention.


  1. Centers for Disease Control (US). Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control (US); 2014 [updated 2014 Dec 10; cited 2015 Feb 20]. Available from:
  2. Schwarz A. The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder. New York Times [Internet]. 2013 Dec 14 [cited 2015 Feb 20];Health:[about 10 screens]. Available from:
  3. Sherman C. Mindful Awareness: Treating ADHD with Meditation. ADDitude Magazine [Internet]. 2006 Aug/Sept [cited 2015 Feb 20]; Available from:


Next post: Paying Attention Part 2 (Attention! pt2)